Every January, people across the world embark upon an overhaul of their habits and lives. Unlike those short-lived attempts, this January brings the overhauled and improved Patwell Consultants website, which will be here to continue assisting you with your tax and bookkeeping needs.
This site wouldn’t be here without:
- The wizardry of Emma Tang and her magical web design skills
- Ed Reynolds, who created the cartoon illustrations for this site with Schultz-like mastery
- And an honorable mention goes out to Liam Cotter for capturing Pat Atwell, distinguished gentleman, in all his glory, on the “About Us” page
Take your time and explore our site upgrade and what it can offer you. And then come back to this News page in the future for updates on tax deadlines, important news, and maybe even some fun surprises.
In the meantime, this new year also sees Patwell joining Twitter and reconnecting on Facebook (and possibly even Instagram down the road). So follow us along there, where we’ll be alerting you whenever a new post goes up here.
Thank you for joining us on this new journey. We’re looking forward to helping navigate you through this tax season. Speaking of which, come back next week for a list of important tax dates to keep on your radar.